stats for savers 1200x800
UK Consumer Price Index since 1989
Consumer and Retail Price Indices 1989 onwards
UK Savings Rates
Bank/Building Society savings-account interest rates since 1980
FTSE All-Share and FTSE-100 since 1985, FTSE-250 since 2005, % change and total return
Tracker Funds
Stocks and shares ISAs and index-tracker funds
Savings Calculator
compares inflation, cash-ISAs and FTSE All-Share index-tracker ISAs
Asset Price Calculator
inflates an amount in-line with an index you have selected
Inflation Calculator
shows rate of return needed to protect savings from inflation
UK Retail Price Index
Retail Price Index since 1960
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Please Correct Amount
1,000.00 at start January 2010 is equivalent to 1,330.68 in March 2022
330.68 is a 33.1% increase over 147 months
1,000.00 would need to have grown by an average of 2.36% per year to have kept pace with inflation.